



The next Pacific-SW chapter meeting will be held at the University Club of California State University, Northridge on Saturday, November 20, 2004 at 11:00 AM.

Our speaker will be Lanie Adamson, MS. Manager, Global Scientific Communications, Advanced Medical Optics, Santa Ana, California.

Lanie has been active in AMWA for years and has conducted many popular AMWA-certified workshops.  Her topic at our chapter meeting will be:

The Freelance Writer as Seen Through the Client's Eyes.

If you're a freelance writer, think you may want to become one sometime, or work with them as Lanie does, you can benefit from her experience.  Lanie's talk will be followed by a question and discussion period.  As always, chapter meetings provide an opportunity to visit and network with colleagues.


11:00-12:00  Welcome and networking

12:00-1:00  Buffet lunch

The Freelance Writer as Seen Through the Client's Eyes,
                followed by questions and discussion


The University Club is located on the Cal State Northridge campus at:
    18111 Nordhoff St.,
    Northridge, CA 92330
    (Phone) 818-677-2076

From the 101 freeway, take the Reseda Blvd. exit and turn north. Continue north on Reseda for about 4.4 miles to Nordhoff St. Turn right (east) on Nordhoff. After 0.7 miles on Nordhoff, turn left on Zelzah Ave.

From the 405 freeway, take the Nordhoff St. exit. Drive west on Nordhoff 2.9 miles to Zelzah Ave. and turn right.

Everbody: From Zelzah Ave, turn onto campus at the first left (Dearborn St), and make another left turn shortly into a drive leading to the parking lot for the University Club, lot G1. Parking is free.

Cost:  AMWA Members: $20 in advance, $25 at the door.  Non-members: $25


E-mail reservations to:  kester10@aol.com

Then send a check (payable to AMWA-Pacific Southwest Chapter) by Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 to:

     Treasurer Linda Kester
     2728 Alvord Lane
     Redondo Beach, CA 90278

Hope to see you there!

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