The next Pacific-SW chapter meeting
will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona (outside of Phoenix) on Sunday February 13 at 10:00 AM.
the best of our knowledge, this will be the first chapter meeting to be
held in Arizona, but assuredly not the last! For chapter members
in Arizona (and any from California that would like to make the trip),
this is a chance to network with other writers and AMWA members in the
area, and to participate in the organization of an Arizona "satellite
group" within the Pacific-SW chapter.
9:30 - 10:00 Arrival - coffee and networking
10:00 - 12:00 Program
John Keener, Chapter President: General information about AMWA, organization of the Arizona satellite group
Courtney Parsons (and colleagues): Writing focused medical news
and information for specialized audiences - the FaxWatch model
12:00 - 1:00 Buffet style lunch - sandwiches and salad
1:00 - 2:00 Networking
Inc., has generously volunteered meeting space. They are located near
the northeast "corner" of Loop 101, the outerbelt freeway encircling
the northern part of the Phoenix metro area.
8502 E. Princess Drive, Suite 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85255.
you're on Loop 101 coming from the west, exit at Pima Rd/Princess Drive
(1st exit past N. Hayden Rd) and turn right at the end of the ramp onto
Princess drive.
you're on Loop 101 coming from the south, exit at Pima Rd/Princess
Drive (1st exit past Frank Loyd Wright Blvd) and turn left at the end
of the ramp onto Princess drive.
is on the right side of Princess Drive at the corner of the next cross
street (Perimeter Dr). Parking (free) is in the rear of the
building. From the parking lot, you'll see 2 entrances - take the
one to the right, and climb the stairs to the 2nd floor (there's also
an elevator in the lobby). FaxWatch's offices (Suite 200) are
directly across from the top of the stairs.
will be no charge to attend, although $5 donations will be accepted at
the door to help defray the cost of lunch. And, you need not be
an AMWA member to attend!
we can accurately judge the amount of food needed. Please include
your degrees, affiliation, and location, so I can make a name badge for
Special thanks to Courtneay Parsons of FaxWatch, Inc. for her help in
planning and carrying out this meeting. I want to emphasize that
including a talk about FaxWatch on the agenda was my idea, not
theirs. My motivation was that I'm uninformed about the sort of
medical communications they specialize in, and suspected others might
be as well. It was not a condition for hosting the meeting!
Also, any lunch and refreshment expenses that exceed donations will be
paid by the Pacific-SW Chapter.
More than half the AMWA members in Arizona responded to a preliminary
message exploring interest in a local chapter meeting, a very
enthusiastic response! I look forward to seeing you all at this
meeting, and at future meetings in Arizona.
John Keener, President, Pacific-SW Chapter of AMWA