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Asilomar Annual Conference


All four Core Curriculum courses at Asilomar 2003 are now filled. However, registrations are still being accepted for the conference itself, which includes the keynote address and a rich program of seminars and informal opportunities to advance your professional development.

A Retreat for Biomedical Communicators

March 23�26, 2003

Pacific Grove, California


Sponsored by the Pacific Southwest and Northern California Chapters of the American Medical Writers Association


Three days of small-group classes, fireside forums, and provocative conversations with writers, editors, scientists, and other biomedical communicators

Four AMWA Core Curriculum workshops and a rich program of noncredit seminars

Held in the secluded meeting facilities of the Asilomar Conference Center, between the towering Monterey pines and the pounding Pacific surf

Within a short drive of Asilomar, all the attractions of the Monterey Peninsula�Pacific Grove�s winter home of the monarch butterfly, historic Monterey, the posh 17-Mile Drive and Pebble Beach, fascinating Carmel, beautiful Point Lobos State Park, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and majestic Big SurThe Beach at Asilomar


View the conference program and schedule

Download a registration form

Download an Asilomar Housing Request

Learn more about the
Asilomar Conference Center


To request registration and housing forms
via e-mail, fax, or postal mail, write or call:

Loraine Schacher, conference registrar

Phone: 310-397-5255 (Los Angeles, California)


Sue Hudson, conference director
Phone: 805-522-3127 (Simi Valley, California)


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