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Asilomar Beach


2005 Asilomar Annual Conference



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A Retreat for Biomedical Communicators

April 10-13, 2005

Pacific Grove, California


Sponsored by the Pacific Southwest and Northern California Chapters of the American Medical Writers Association


Three days of small-group classes, fireside forums, and provocative conversations with writers, editors, scientists, and other biomedical communicators.

AMWA Core Curriculum courses and a rich program of noncredit seminars.

Held in the secluded meeting facilities of the Asilomar Conference Center, between the towering Monterey pines and the pounding Pacific surf.

Within a short drive of Asilomar are all the attractions of the Monterey Peninsula, including Pacific Grove's winter home of the monarch butterfly, historic Monterey, the posh 17-Mile Drive and Pebble Beach, fascinating Carmel, beautiful Point Lobos State Park, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and majestic Big Sur.

Download the Asilomar 2005 Conference Program and Registration Form

Download the AMWA Asilomar Housing Form

Workshop and Seminar Speakers:

Keynote Speaker

Paul Torrens, MD; UCLA
        Health Care Financing and What Can Be Done About It

AMWA Curriculum Courses
Marianne Mallia-Hughes, ELS
        Advanced Writing (ADV)
Eve J. Wilson, PhD, ELS
        Preparing CME Materials: Concepts, Strategies, and Ethical Issues

Jennifer Fissekis, MA
        Tables and Graphs (Pharmaceutical Approach)

Sue Hudson
        Outlining for Writers and Editors

Non-credit Seminars
Gail Flores, PhD
        Molecular Biology of Targeted Oncology Therapies
Patty Morris
        Getting the Most From Powerpoint � A Hands-on Workshop
Medical Writing in the Corporate Sector:
        A Panel Discussion of Experienced Writing Directors
Paula Townsend, PharmD
       Drug Formularies - How Medications Are Evaluated and Chosen

Fireside Forum
Lanie Adamson
        A Very Small Blood Clot - A Personal Perspective of Stroke and Recovery

Learn more about the
Asilomar Conference Center


Sue Hudson, conference director

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