San Diego Networking Social

Tuesday, June 17th

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Tin Fish Gaslamp

170 6th Ave.

San Diego, CA 92101

Here's a flyer with the details and driving directions.


Carlsbad, CA Networking Social

Tuesday, May 20th, 5:30 PM–7:30PM

Casa de Bandini

Carlsbad, CA 92037


Pacific Regional Conference at Asilomar

April 27–30, 2014

Chapter Contacts

AMWA Pacific-Southwest

  • President: Donna Simcoe

    email: president at amwa-pacsw.org

  • Immediate Past President: Jenny Grodberg

    email: past-president at amwa-pacsw.org

  • Treasurer: Elise Sudbeck

    email: treasurer at amwa-pacsw.org

  • Membership Coordinator: Gail Flores

    email: membership-coordinator at amwa-pacsw.org

  • Employment Coordinator: Irene Yau

    email: employment-coordinator at amwa-pacsw.org

  • Conference Co-Chair:
  • Jacki Dyck-Jones

    email: conference co-chair at amwa-pacsw.org

  • Website Communications: Mimi Wessling

    email: editor at wesslingmedtech.com

  • Newsletter Editor: Ajay Malik

    email: editor at amwa-pacsw.org

  • Arizona Liaisons:
  • Kathy Boltz

    email: az-liaison-1 at amwa-pacsw.org

    Mary Stein
    email: az-liaison-2 at amwa-pacsw.org

    NOTE: In the TO line of your email, you must enter the address with the " at " replaced by "@". We have made this change in line with the AMWA National example to avoid having our emails being picked up by bots.