American Medical Writers Association - Pacific Southwest Chapter

Technology Solutions for Publication Planning: A Webinar with PubsHub™

On Thursday, August 25, AMWA-PacSW will be jointly hosting a free webinar with PubsHub™, a provider of tools and services to make publication planning more streamlined and efficient. 

Review of publication planning and the role of a medical writer
Create familiarity with one of a number of publication management tools, PubsHub™

Live Demonstration, which includes:
1) System navigation and user access levels  
2) Author collaboration including capturing version history 
3) Initiating workflows and providing primary and support documents 4) Journals&Congresses℠ 
5) Reports that help manage projects
Q&A and Feedback Session

Date: Thursday, August 25
Time: 12 noon
Cost: Free

Limited to 40 people!  Register here to guarantee your spot!  


Medical Writers Toolbox Symposium - 10th September, 2016

We thank Amgen for hosting this free event for the AMWA PacSW chapter!
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM  Coffee and Registration
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM  Options, Templates, and Electronic Markup:  A Word Skill Set for Complex Documents –  Maggie Norris, BSc, ELS (aka WordWitch™), of Fine Print Publication Services LLC.
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM  Lunch and Networking
1:30 PM – 2:15 PM  Tour of Sharing Programs and Commercial Word Templates – Ajay Malik,PhD, of Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Donna Simcoe, MS, MS, MBA, CMPP, of Simcoe Consultants Inc.
2:15 PM – 3:00 PM  An Overview of Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR): The Next Great Opportunity for Medical Writers –   JulieGegner, PhD, of Amgen Inc. 
3:00 PM– 3:45 PM  Close, Q & A, Networking

 Date:  September 10, 2016

Location:  Amgen Inc. 
One Amgen Center Dr 
Building 24 Conference Center Auditorium 
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320

 Cost:  Free (courtesy of Amgen)

Lunch:  Provided by Amgen

Open to the first 120 attendees who register.

 Program coordinated and sponsored by AMWA Pacific Southwest Chapter and supported by Amgen Inc.  

Please click here to register.


AMWA:  Ajay Malik ( and SusanVintilla-Friedman (

AMGEN:  Tim Peoples (


Annual AMWA-PacSW Chapter Dinner in Denver!

Come dine with your AMWA-PacSW colleagues at Maggiano's Little Italy in Denver! This is one of the rare opportunities to enjoy the company of AMWA-PacSW members from all regions (Arizona, Southern Nevada, and Southern California), so it's definitely not to be missed!  Must register by Friday, September 30!

We will meet in the Sheraton Denver Downtown lobby at 6:30 PM and walk over to Maggiano's together. If you plan to meet us at the restaurant, the reservation is set for 6:45 PM.

Date: Friday, Oct 7, 2016

Time: 6:45 PM  (Please note:  If you plan to walk with the group, meet in the lobby of the Sheraton Denver Downtown at 6:30 PM.)

Cost: $30, which includes an assortment of dishes served family style (see below), non-alcoholic drinks, and tax. If you would like to purchase alcoholic drinks, please plan on bringing cash.

Please click here for registration details.

AMWA Pacific Southwest Chapter lunch teleconference -- Follow-up from the AMWA Annual Meeting 

Did you attend the AMWA Annual meeting and would you like to share your experiences with your medical writer colleagues? Were you not able to attend the AMWA Annual meeting and would like to hear about the discussions? Please join us on this call to talk about the educational and fun activities that took place at the Annual meeting. 

Friday, October 14th, 12-1 pm Pacific time 

Dial in number: 706-913-1155

Donna to dial in as host

Participant code: 0204157# (or from your iPhone: 706-913-1155,,0204157#)

Monthly Chapter Teleconference:  End-of-Year Topics

If you can believe it, we are approaching the end of the year. What would you like to discuss as we wrap up 2016 and think about 2017? Are you planning to give your clients holiday gifts and if so, what can you give? What are your goals for next year? Are you trying to get more work or go into a different field of medical writing? Let’s share future plans and ideas on how to make them happen!

AMWA Pacific Southwest lunch teleconference

Date: Friday, November 4, 12-1 pm Pacific time

Dial in number: 706-913-1155

Participant code: 0204157# (or from your iPhone: 706-913-1155,,0204157#)

Hosted by: Donna Simcoe, Past President, AMWA Pacific Southwest Chapter 


Writing and Editing for Biotech, Pharmaceutical, and Medical Device Companies

Join us on November 9, 2016, to learn about writing and editing for biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical device companies. Speakers are Nancy Rhoads, who will be speaking about technical writing for medical devices and Ajay Malik, Ph.D.  This is a joint program with the San Diego Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication and will offer a wonderful opportunity to network and learn about their organization.

Date: Wednesday, November 9
Time:  5:30-8:30 PM
Place:  Hera Hub
4010 Sorrento Valley Blvd #400
San Diego, CA 92121

Cost: $5 virtual presentation only; $10 for full-time students and unemployed medical writers/technical communicators; $15 for AMWA and STC members and volunteers; $20 for general admission. 

Arrive any time between 5:30 and 7 pm for food, drink, and networking. Presentation begins at 7 pm.

For the Virtual Presentation:
You will be sent a link to the online meeting site on the day of the meeting.

Register here.